Integrity AO is a Macedonian charity that aims to work with sportspeople as well as serving the underprivileged group of people. In order to do that we need a team. We invite you to become a part of our team and join us in our endeavour. Your support makes a huge difference. There are several ways to be part of our team - become a volunteer or donor to our charity.
How to become a volunteerIf you want to become a volunteer please contact us on: [email protected]
Ways to giveThere are several other ways for you to give: via Bank transfer, PayPal or Faith&Learning (our US partner). Please make a note towards what you are giving.
Bank Transfer info for locals
Фирма - Интегритет Алфа и Омега
Жиро Сметка - 210-0634541701-68 Даночен број - 4030008025801 Банка - НЛБ Тутунска Банка АД Скопје Адреса - Бул. В. С. Бато 91/1-1 Цел на дознака - Донација |
Faith & Learning International IntegrityAO is also a part of Faith and Learning Inernational and through them you can make a tax deductible donation. This is recommended for US citizens.
Bank TransferClient Details:
INTEGRITET ALFA I OMEGA SKOPJE Address - Bul. Vidoe Smilevski Bato 91/1-1, Skopje - Aerodrom IBAN Code- MK07210722000073205 Bank Details Bank Name - NLB BANKA AD SKOPJE Bank Address - Mother Teresa 1 Country - Macedonia SWIFT - TUTNMK22 |