_ Yes it is! So be ready to welcome it with a smile and open embrace. Marching over the ocean, this pink wave on 24th of May 2009 has hit Macedonia. The hit was with such great force so its consequences will be remembered for one whole year, until its next arrival. AO production has granted the entrance of the Pink Wave in our country. Showing great enthusiasm, AO Production together with NGO “Integrity Alpha and Omega” and the association “Borka” have managed to organize the first pink march in Macedonia like the many other marches organized for the first time in United States. The attendance at this event (until now it was attended by over one and a half million people) just proves the concerns of the people and also their willingness to confront with the modern disease – cancer, especially the breast cancer.
As main reason for organizing this kind of marsh in Macedonia are the worrying facts that warn us of the increase of this disease in our country. Every year at least 750 new cases are diagnosed and this number is rising with the years. But, the goal of this march is to raise the awareness at the people so they can involve more actively in the fight against breast cancer. With the raise of the awareness we are raising their responsibility and obligations that understands regular health controls which on the other hand will provide with early diagnose of the disease, well timed treatment and cure. The first stage of the breast cancer can be cured in more of 95% cases.
But the need of additional education on this subject still exists. Especially the wish is much greater for education in the rural areas where the awareness of the people is significantly lower. So in terms of stopping something firstly you need to learn how to do it. NGO “Integrity AO” with this event has taken the responsibility as a guide through the labyrinth of the lack of knowledge in relation on what you can do for you health.
The symbolic Pink march consisted of a three kilometers long walk and two-hour music entertainment program with Macedonian singers with which the message of the importance of early diagnose and support of the patients was sent. This march was also attended by Nancy, Brinker, among other political names, who is one of the most influential persons in the world by the Times magazine. Although she is one of the most influential persons, she continues to be one, ordinary woman who have fought and win over the disease and she is maintaining her fight in the name of the million women from all over the world. This event on which a column of thousands of citizens all dressed in pink T-shirts marched and later formed a pink ribbon as a trademark for the event, was executed under the seal of humanity. Although this event was organized for the first time managed to gather donations intended for the women that are treating this kind of disease. The amount of funds raised have climbed up to 350.000 Denars or about 5700 which were donated to the chemotherapy daycare hospital for at the Clinics Center in Skopje.
This event have proven that the volunteerism can be much more and that is only if we work for something that we believe in, if we take responsibilities or we involve ourselves into making some changes. And not only that , but it was proven that the first condition for successful volunteering is the will to work for something and not have any material or financial benefit out of it and no regarding the experience had or not had prior to this kind of work and in this field. Most of the volunteers have had no experience, but they have had a great wish for making a change in society and in the world.