Second Triathlon race in Struga, Macedonia_
Third year in a row, the promotion train for healthy and active sport life, steered by NGO Integrity Alpha & Omega is organizing the event: Young Talent Duathlon 2010. This years installment will take place in Bitola on 1st of November, with participation of several elementary schools and high schools as well. A Duathlon event, consists of a running leg and biking leg. The running leg is divided in two parts, with the first part done before and the second part done right after the biking leg. This sport, comes from the very attractive sport called Triathlon, with the difference, that here the swimming leg is omitted. Primarily this sport is created for the triathlon athletes, to stay in shape during the winter period when swimming is not possible due to obvious reasons. In the organization of the event, we've gained help, from a number of sponsors, from which we are especially grateful to our Main Sponsor: EVN Macedonia, then to our most appreciated partner in most of our dealings: The US Embassy in Skopje, the municipalities of Bitola and Probishtip, while media marketing was provided by the web portal: Kajgana ( and the monthly magazine Forum. This years installment is separated in two main phases, in two Macedonian towns respectively. The town of Probishtip will host the first phase of the event where lectureship will be held, and right after that, the town of Bitola will host the second phase of the event, which is planned to be the main event. We do expect a lot of young people to attend the event, and Integrity Alpha & Omega will do everything in their power to provide quality competition conditions, for the young to get acquainted with the Duathlons and Triatlons as sports, and also to learn the way of living healthy and active life. |